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After World War 2 the State Government of Victoria legislated an Act of Parliament creating the Co Operative Housing Societies Act. This Act of Parliament gave rise to groups of Co Operative Housing Societies being set up for the sole purpose of providing Housing Loans. Housing Loans were made available in the State of Victoria toall Victorians with a facility of Government Guaranteed loans for those who would not or could not otherwise get a loan to buy a home. In 1946/47 Clive White set up the group, in 1982 his son-in-law Brian Comport took over the running of the group and in 1997 Brian’s son Ian became involved in the family business. In 2005/2006 the ALP State Governement under Premier Steven Bracks decided that Co Operative Housing Societies were no longer required and moved to close the societies down without a cause, explanation nor a valid reason.

The Brighton Group of Co operative Housing Societies that have included Brighton, Brighton 2, Brighton 3, Brighton, 4, Dendy, Dendy 1, Dendy 2, Dendy 3, Seaspray, Acacia, Acacia 2, Acacia 3, Acacia 4, Acacia 5, Acacia 6, Gordon, Gordon 2, Eastern Peninsula, Southern, Southern 2 and various other societies decided to continue in the Housing Loan business. Thus the Brighton Group of Co operative Hosuing Societies became the Brighton Housing Group in 2006. With three generations of family involvement, 60 years of providing housing loans and the support of the Co operative Housing Society membership the Brighton Housing Group exists to provide responsible home loans and the service members have grown to expect.

Today the Brighton Housing Group provides all types of loans to best meet your requirements and circumstances. Not just Home loans as was the case under the Co operative Housing Societies Act but also Refinance loans, investment loans, Lo-Doc loans, Easy-Doc loans, Interest Only loans and non-conforming loans. There are no administration fees, no service fees, no set up fees, no statement fees, no monthly or banking fees and no on going fees or costs with a BHG loan. There are however the valuation fee and legal fees for putting the loan together and the costs involved with the early payout of a loan, usually within 5 years, and for the loan falling behind with pay- ments or into arrears. The cost of the early payout depends on the loan type and when the early payout takes place and those loans that fall behind, into arrears, incurr a higher interest rate if they remain behind and a fee for a repayment direction ($30-$40 per transaction).

When buying a house or investment property it is important to take into account the costs involved that are outside the loan. There is the valuation fee and legal fees of putting the loan together but there are also Stamp Duty on the purchase of the house, moving costs, and other council and service provider costs to consider. ( phone, gas, elec- tricity, water and rates).

The Brighton Housing Group is committed to providing loans without additional fees, with responsible lending practices and the service expected by members. With 60 years in the industry, numerous happy members and good service we are no just any lender we are originators and mortgage managers with a history and a record above and beyond our peers. We do not sell or push loans, we provide responsible and affordable loans to suit you.


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